The Royal Blue Wardrobe of Kate Middleton


Kate Middleton celebrated her 32nd birthday this month and TopButtons had to point out how amazing she looks in blue. We noticed that she often wears this color and we think it looks fantastic against her skin complexion. We not only love her choice of color, but from short dresses to long dresses, she is able to pull off anything whether she is walking down the red carpet or running errands. We all remember the gorgeous Alexander McQueen wedding gown she wore that inspired other brides around the world. Ever since, her fashion has continually impressed us. Catherine, The Duchess of Cambridge, wears an Olympic Ring style necklace as she visits the National Portrait Gallery in London

We wanted to point out her incredible style because seems to take consider her influence and leadership role as she gets dressed in the morning. There can be some pressure that comes along with her title as the Duchess of Cambridge or Princess of the United Kingdom. The way she presents herself to the world is through modesty and confidence as she attends numerous events in front of millions.


We love the way she poises herself in front of paparazzi at different events as if they are not even there. She decided to spend her birthday this year quietly with her family instead of wandering out into the public eye. We admire her outlook on family and her classy chic wardrobe.

Styling 101: Weekend Picks


The Summer of long days by the poolside and being school free are coming to an end. Although we are trading our swimwear & fashion forward days for uniforms [some of us business attire] we MUST not give up on our weekends. In other words ladies, we cannot forget that we still have the weekends to dress in remembrance of our carefree days.

So without further ado, we now deem every weekend a reTREAT! Here are two of our favorite -completely different- picks to get your weekend started!

First up is the infamous nautical themed look. We chose to play with the contrasting shades of blue, the lighter hue to brighten the look, and the darker blue to be the root color of the outfit. Add simple studs and fabulous sunnies to complete the head-to-toe style.


Blouse | Skirt | Tote | Flats | Sunnies | Studs 


 For the second look, we are taking it to the streets (or the mall, dinner, really wherever you like). The tank dress is casual, but the pop of yellow in the sandals and the matching crossbody adds pizzazz! Did we forget to mention this eye-catching China Glaze polish in Caribbean Temptation?!


Tank dress | Sandals | Crossbody | Polish 

Have a great weekend. Be sure to TREAT yourself!

-Jenna O.

Get the Best Look for July 4th with Overalls


Today we salute to the red white and blue! We count our blessings and celebrate our freedoms even though our fingers may be dripping with watermelon juice.

Amidst the fireworks, BBQ, and picnics stands a tradition that deserves a little dusting off, the true blue, DENIM. But to stand proud this holiday, we say "Redefine your Independence", and go for the overalls!

far away


Even when the celebration ends, you will surely have other opportunities to showcase your patriotic side in these scarves: plaid stripes floral American flag


The best part about overalls is that they are a top find at local thrift shops!

*Don't forget! Being able to adjust the length of the straps can solve length issues*


If you still are on the fence about overalls, go for an alternative such as a jumpsuit.

Denim Jumpsuit | Sleeveless Denim



Effortless hairdos are made easy with head-wraps (can be found in an array of different colors)!


So what will it be? The Grand Ole Overalls or a Jumpsuit we all Salute to! The choice is ultimately yours!

Happy Fourth of July!

-Jenna O.

Photo credit:  Sarah Powers

Images Edited by: Jen Duarte