The Perfect New Look For Valentine's Day

We are so excited to bring you a fresh take on the perfect look for Valentine's Day. Here at Top Buttons we enjoy any occasion that gives us a reason to celebrate with the ones we love. Checkout our pick for your Valentine's Day outfit that is sure to work great for a girls night out or a romantic dinner with the one you love!

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Be bold this year for Valentines day and step out of your comfort zone by mixing up some edgy pieces. Try pairing your favorite pair of tights with a leather skirt and silk top as seen here. Finish your look with a statement necklace. IMG_8220 WEB

Similar items can be found at Forever 21 and Charming Charlies.

Happy Valentine's Day!!

Written by: Amanda Jacobs

Photography by: Elisabeth Huijskens

Redefining Valentine's Day for All the Single Ladies


Valentine's Day can be one of the most dreaded holidays amongst those who are single. Some jokingly admit it's S.A.D. (Single Awareness Day). Personally, throughout the years, I've struggled with the frustration of seeing all the couples around me and wondering when it would be MY turn. However, the concept of Valentine's Day is suppose to be about SELFLESS LOVE, so let's commit to redefining Valentine's 2015. Here's THREE innovative ways to redefine the holiday:

girls night in

  1. Learn To Appreciate Some "YOU" Time: Without a significant other in your life, it's way too easy to dwell on the fact that you're solo, but there is NO BETTER TIME in your life to invest in yourself than in this season. In other words, take some time to rest and pamper yourself! Curl up on the couch, eat your favorite flavor of ice cream, do your nails, read a good book or watch your favorite movie.ladies dinner
  2. Rally Up Your Other Single Lady Friends: Okay, so maybe a night in and alone isn't your scene! That is perfectly okay. Rally up a group of other single ladies and adventure out. Go see a new movie, dine at a fun restaurant, or even have a single ladies gift-exchange! The possibilities are endless.nursing home
  3. Spread The Love: Yes, Valentines Day is centered on LOVE, but you don't necessarily have to dwell on the romantic aspect. Why not spread some positivity and love in the world? Visit a nursing home and love on the residents; write encouraging notes to a handful of important people in your life; or even offer to babysit your neighbor's kids so that they can enjoy some couple time.


So whether this is your first single Valentine's Day or you've been single for a while now, do something DIFFERENT to return Valentine's Day to its origin of love. Love yourself, love your friends, and even love strangers.


1 Corinthians 13:4-8 Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never ends. As for prophecies, they will pass away; as for tongues, they will cease; as for knowledge, it will pass away.


Valentine's Day Cards For Everyone


Valentines Day is the perfect time to celebrate the people we love. You don’t have to be in a relationship to enjoy this special day. Why not use this occasion as an excuse to tell your friends and family how much you love them? Above are 6 beautiful card options to inspire you. All can be purchased  here and here. If you’re a creative person who loves arts and crafts, making your own V-Day cards is a great way to add a personal touch. This is my favorite option, because it allows you the freedom to customize each card for your loved ones.Need some ideas before you get started? Check out this DIY Valentines Day card tutorial.

Strapped for time and money? No worries! These FREE printable Valentine's Day cards are easy and adorable.

So what are you waiting for, make a list of people you love and start crafting a meaningful card that is sure to brighten their day!

Happy Styling!


With Beauty, Brains, and a Handsome Man: Christina Gard Tells All


If you aren't in the mood for some mushy, gushy, faith-based romance, READ ON ANYWAY!  We find this young lady to be refreshing and strong in a way that all women can benefit from.  We live in a world were girls get major media attention for being controversial, provocative, and down right disrespectful. (Clearing throat… cough… Huffington Post)  At Top Buttons, our philosophy is to promote those who are trying to do right and love others as they also love themselves. We feel you will enjoy hearing many of the fun details which make this girl tick.  Grab a cup of coffee and have a seat in a comfy chair.  This is a must read for some Valentine's Inspiration. - Intro by Sarah Powers Christina Gard -- currently a professor in the Psych department at SEU -- is the perfect example of what it means to have beauty AND brains. Mrs. Gard is a great role model to girls globally because she is living proof that when you pursue your dreams and live for God, He'll take care of the rest -- including getting you the right man. From gutting fish, to winning Miss Alaska, to being a pastor, professor, and so much more, Christina Gard has done it all.

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So Christina, tell us a little about yourself -- about your backstory and any formative experiences along the way. I was born and raised in Alaska. My Dad was a pastor, and summer camp was the highlight of every year. Every summer we spent a few weeks at Little Beaver Lake kids camp in Alaska. That’s where I found a lot of really consistent friends and really fell in love and found the relationship I had with Jesus.

What are some significant qualities/ facts about growing up in Alaska that affected your perception on life?

  • I spent Friday nights at home with my family. My parents would give us a topic, and we would have debates.
  • We did a lot of hunting, fishing, hiking, camping, but it was all free.  That is the life we lived in Alaska.
  • When I was 5, I flew from Alaska to NJ. It opened up the world to me. I saw a mall and got to see a movie. It was a big contrast from having no running water.
  • I was homeschooled for much of my upbringing, and my two sisters were my best friends.
  • I had the opportunity to do some private school, but I knew how to cut filet salmon before I ever learned how to put on make-up.
  • We would go to the food bank for food, but my parents always saved, saved, saved for travel experiences. My mom was concerned about me knowing what was in the outside world.
  • I was the youngest bank teller hired at the National Bank of Alaska, which really taught me a lot and forced me to grow up.

What was your college experience like? I visited Northwest and saw for the first time college students having fun and it didn’t involve drugs or alcohol and so I decided to go there. I just loved it, I started debate and had great friends. I ended up transferring a lot. When I moved to England, I fell in love with tea and my view of the world was changed. I was kind of the lone Christian. England was pretty spiritually dead in my opinion. People questioned everything. I studied theology and was taught that the Bible was a book. I realized my faith was not my parents. I had to develop & cultivate a relationship with the Lord on my own.

I transferred again and I went to AU and I fell in love with the city of DC.

I also spent a summer in Cambodia. That really showed me the power of missions and at that point I decided I would eventually make missions a part of my life.

For my last semester of undergrad, I went back to Northwest.

You moved around a lot! When did Andrew come into the picture? Five weeks before graduation, I met Andrew. At this point, I was really strong and really independent.  My father had always told me, “You will marry the one man that isn’t intimidated by you,” and on our first date Andrew said, “You don’t intimidate me.” It freaked me out. When I got home, I literally went right into my room and called my dad and told him.

Since you come from a close family, what was it like when you started dating Andrew? We dated all the way through graduation, which is when my family met him. Everyone flew in because I was speaking at the commencement. I handed Andrew an itinerary for the weekend, and he kept up. That weekend, he surprised me with Yankee tickets. I realized at that moment that he was a true leader. He knew what I needed even when I didn’t.

[blockquote]He’s the first man I ever dated. I dated a lot of boys, but he was the first man.[/blockquote]

Did Andrew pursue you? How did he treat you while you were dating? First date: He called me and asked me out. I remember how strong, confident, and sincere he was on the phone.

[blockquote]We went to Starbucks. I asked him about his relationship with God. A Starbucks date can be 5 minutes or 5 hours; ours was 5 hours.[/blockquote]

Day After First Date: Generally, the rule was not to call the next day. He called me that morning. This was when cell-phones first came out and I had a voice mail of him asking me to hang out again….And we hung out every day.

Second date: He took me to Coldstone and then opened the basketball gym for me and we played HORSE. While we were at Coldstone I quizzed him about the world. I was blown away at how smart he was.

During the relationship: He didn’t kiss me and there was no physical interaction until after we were engaged.

[blockquote]I’m the 4th generation in a line of pastors and I never met someone who loved God like Andrew did.[/blockquote]

Since you guys started dating so close to graduation, what happened after you graduated? We were together for 2 months, and then I moved back to Alaska and it was long distance from there. We were dating and engaged for 17 months total.

What did you do in the meantime? At that point my options were to apply for the Peace Corps, work with White Siberian tigers, travel with Holland America cruise lines, or compete for Miss America. I graduated in May 2004 and it was in June that I won Miss Alaska 2004.

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How did competing and winning Miss Alaska affect your self-image? I had always struggled with insecurity. The thing I appreciated about the experience was how confident the women were. Every single one of them were pursuing a degree. Miss America is a Scholarship Organization, not just a pageant.

[blockquote]I remember walking in and looking around the room and thinking “Wow. Women can do anything.”[/blockquote]

For me, it helped pay my way through college and helped me develop confidence in a new way. Differences were celebrated. Everyone was beautiful in their own way. I didn’t have to look like Barbie. I just had to look like me.

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So what happened with you and Andrew after winning Miss Alaska? Well, I love that he was with me before I made Miss Alaska. I remember, I called him and told him I didn’t win and he said “I don’t believe you.” 

When did you get married? On June 24, 2005 we got married in Jamaica. We had a destination wedding. I flew from Alaska to Miami and Andrew flew from Seattle to Miami and then we flew to Jamaica together. So hugging him in the airport was awkward having been apart for awhile. We met up with our families in Jamaica. We went kayaking & hiking and it was so much fun. Then, we honeymooned  there for the next couple weeks.

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After being apart for so long, how was married life? When we got to our new home, he had me close my eyes and he picked me up and he carried me across the threshold of our new town home in DC. We didn’t have a dinner table. We ate our first meal sitting on the dining room floor. I realized no matter where I was or what I was doing, if I had him, I would be okay.

He was a pastor and I was working as a Crisis Intervention Specialist. I was on call 24-7. My clients had to get better or they were going to jail. After a while, he felt like we were suppose to move to Seattle and I remember resisting it. We moved from there to Puyallup, Washington. I remember I saying, “Life will never be better than it was in DC.” I even said the same thing when I moved from Washington to Florida, and now I think the same thing.

Being that you're very accomplished and goal-oriented, what have been all your different jobs throughout the years? 1. At, 12 years old, my first job at Espresso Moes as a barista. 2. Sandwich shop 3. Bank Teller for National Bank of Alaska 4. Legal Clerk for Trudell Bowen Lingenbrink Law Firm 5. Nanny for Mr. Lingenbrink (on weekends) 6. Department of Health as a Legislative Analyst 7. Cannery on the slime line gutting fish 8. Crisis Intervention Specialist for Institute … 9. Childrens pastor at Puyallup Foursquare Church 10. Miss Alaska with the Miss America organization 11. Professor –Northwest University 12. Children/ Family Therapist at Good Samaritan Behavioral Health 13. Director of Student Mentoring in Student Development at SEU 14. Professor 15. (Currently training to be a fitness instructor at LA Fitness, just for fun.)

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What qualities does Andrew have that you think are really important to look for in a man? Love for Jesus;  Intellect; Respect for others; Passion; Integrity and character above all; Respect for me and how he handled me when no one else was around; He didn’t put me in compromising situations; Common interests; Attraction; Such a great sense of humor.

What are the top 3 things you two value in your marriage? 1. Our non-negotable is time with one another; nothing gets scheduled without us consulting the other. That requires honest communication. 2. Fun. -- We love having fun together. We love laughing. 3. Private time with the Lord and with one another. Praying together. Theres nothing more incredible than hearing what Andrew asks God for, for me. It’s just amazing.

What's the key to having an interesting relationship? In order to have an interesting marriage. You have to be interesting people. We both love time together, but we both love our time apart. Andrew loves golf. I love Pilates. We love having things we’re pursuing on our own. He loves that I don’t stop at any point in life.

What is one piece of advice you would give to young girls? (Something that you know now but you wish you knew then.) Put God above all else. Enjoy your time with your family first. You’ll never get those moments back with your parents and siblings when its just you guys. Enjoy that, treasure that. I don’t regret spending Friday nights with my family. Worry little about who likes you. More than likely you are not going to marry your 8th grade love.

Since Valentine's Day is coming up, how do you keep your marriage alive, and do you have Valentines Day plans? We always go out. Our favorite spot is the Melting Pot. We’re more into experiences than gifts. We’ve gone to Paris & rome, Mexico, Jamaica, Disney world. We love quality time, with a great meal and great conversation. We’re also really big on cards. We always give each other handwritten deep thoughtful notes. That’s really important to us.

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Deep breath. Process.  Maybe your pics won't look as adorable as these two, but you can rest assured that God will give you the desires of your heart too as they line up with His will!

There you have it: life behind the scenes with Christina Gard -- a woman who even faced some very challenging life experiences. (Which, believe it or not, were not mentioned in our long but super fun interview with Christina.)  She ultimately pursued God and her dreams, and along the way God gave her a great love relationship that enables her to continue doing that.  She supports him, he supports her, they support each other.

#CoupleCrush #GoodGirlsDeserveProps

If you haven't had enough, check out last year's #couplecrush

Photo credit: Rachel Tackett

Top Buttons Funny Valentine's Video: If All Else Fails, Just Eat Chocolate

This video was filmed while having our TB Valentine's Party!  The girls were asked to share about how they would be spending their Valentine's Day.  It turned out so funny that we just had to share it!  Hope you had a good Valentine's Week!  




cupcake In today’s culture, couples are expected to be physically intimate in dating relationships. Young women feel pressure to have a boyfriend for acceptance and value. She may even feel she must do “whatever it takes to keep the boy interested,” especially when she is comparing herself and it appears the competition is tough… Then we have the fashion magazine articles, among many things, that encourage more and more of this. How to have your “Best first time,” “How to Make Him Want More,” and “What to Wear to Get Him in Bed,” are all titles of reading material you can find when you open up the standard Fashion Magazine. (Actually, those are the non-explicit versions.) We say… Thanks. But No Thanks! This Valentine’s Day, with the increase in sexually explicit material, we’d like to offer an alternative.

Chase and Paige Wagner met in 2009, were married in 2012, and have been together for 3 and ½ years. They met while at Biola University in La Mirada, CA, (outside of LA). Currently, Chase is the Worship Leader at Southeastern University, and just this week they released their new album on iTunes called, No Other Name. His wife, Paige, is a student at SEU.


First, we were able to catch them sharing a cupcake and cappuccino together. We felt a bit like intruders, but it wasn't long before they invited the whole crew to share their cupcake with them.  Which we gladly accepted!



Then we walked through the downtown Lakeland area for the photoshoot.  Seriously, this couple looks like they walked right off the set of a movie.  The difference though, is that their love is real. It’s authentic. It’s not a photoshop creation or a fake love affair. We asked them to share their story with us because we knew many young men and women would be encouraged by their relationship and how their focus on God has led to a beautiful, healthy marriage. They are still in the honeymoon phase, but no doubt they will be together “until death do they part” if the principles they have built their relationship on thus far are kept.



Paige, What did your life look like before you met Chase? I met Chase the first month of my freshmen year of college. Before I knew him I was a high school senior ready to graduate and start my college experience in Southern California.

Did you notice him before he noticed you? I don’t know who technically noticed whom first, BUT I definitely noticed him before he introduced himself to me. It was 2009.  At that time the “Zac Efron” hair was in style, and Chase rocked it so hard that he actually looked like Zac. Later when we were dating, random people would approach me and ask if I was the girl dating Zac Efron.



So Chase, what was it about Paige that caught your attention first? Paige was breathtakingly beautiful and still is.

How did you ask her out? I gathered up the nerve to introduce myself after randomly running into her and her friends in a parking lot in town.

Did she respond the way you hoped she would? Yes even in that first conversation she was fun, flirty, and energetic. But at the same I could tell she had self-respect. Being naturally “fun” is a great quality for a girl to have.

Where did you take her on your first date? I asked her to go to church with me the next Sunday.

Paige, we want to know! What do you remember most about your first date? Our first date, Chase asked me to go to a night service with him at Rock Harbor Church in Costa Mesa, CA. I remember talking about missions the whole time. I had felt called by God to go to India, and Chase had been to India a few years past. Come to find out, Chase had worked with the author of the book, Revolution of World Missions, while he was in India ...which was the very book that had inspired me to go there.  I also remember at the end of the night Chase leaning in to grab my hand.  I guess I misread the signal, because I took it as a “handshake” not a loving hand graze. We laughed at the awkward misunderstanding and from then on we “hand shaked” almost every time we left a date.

What did your dating relationship look like? We were pretty inseparable from the minute we met.  We spent a good amount of time in group settings when we first started dating but made sure we also had alone time to get to know each other deeper. We went out to eat, went out for yogurt, sipped Boba tea and drank a lot of coffee (we’re quite the foodies). With no previous understanding of each other’s lives, we had a lot of getting to know each other. Conversations were spent telling stories from our lives, about our families, our understanding of God and our dreams of the future. We set clear boundaries physically, knowing that waiting for physical intimacy would honor our values, each other, and our future together.

What quality do you like most about Chase? I love that Chase’s heart is postured like Christ’s. Chase is always aware and thinking of other people before himself. He is so selfless in his giftings. Chase is always depositing the blessings God’s given to him into other people, seldom holding them for himself. He has such a kind spirit about him always making people feel welcomed and heard.

What role did your relationship with Christ play in your dating experience? Christ didn’t play a role in our relationship; He was the POINT of our relationship.  Devotions and attending church together were a regular part of our time, but in the beginning we guarded our own personal relationships with God. Of course we would share what God was speaking to us, but personal time with God is so intimate.  We wanted to make sure we didn’t share too much while dating just in case the relationship didn’t end in marriage.

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Chase, when did you know she was the "one?" After our first conversation. I knew we’d get married.

That’s pretty bold. How did you know she was the "one" that you wanted to spend the rest of your life with? After discussing faith with her and watching that faith play out in the way she lived her life, I knew. She had a real authentic faith, not something that was forced through upbringing or the church or whatever. I loved watching her figure out how God's plan would play out into her personal reality. Her faith was honest and real. She had real questions and real struggles with God. But in the midst of all that I would describe her as “fun” and “light”- never taking herself too seriously.

All the girls want to know, how did you propose? I proposed to Paige at a summer camp she was working at in Northern California. She went to that summer camp every summer as a kid and accepted Christ there when she was 12 years old. The summer I proposed she was working at the same camp as a counselor. I drove down from Seattle her last night at camp and coordinated a candle light bonfire under the stars. It was there I asked Paige if she would accept me as her husband in the same place she accepted Jesus to be her Savior. She said yes.

Chase, we have lots of young female readers who hope to one day marry a man that will love and respect them unconditionally, What one piece of advice would you give our young female readers as to the importance of holding out for God's best?

Every person has baggage. Every person has made mistakes. Have GRACE for yourself and GRACE for others. Simply follow Jesus.



Interview by: Aarika Phillips

Photo Credit: Beth Carter


Be encouraged!  Whether you are single or dating, it's worth it to hold out and keep the bar high.  Your Happily Ever After will come as you make God the Center.

Happy Valentine's Day from the Top Buttons Team!



Valentine's Day Outfit Options

Valentine's Day Outfit



With Valentine’s Day just around the corner, here is some outfit inspiration for those who are still deciding what to wear. If you want to stay in the Valentine’s Day spirit but red just isn’t your color, pink is a great alternative. It is classic, feminine, and on trend. Whether you have a date with that special someone or a girl’s night out with your closest friends, you will be styling in an ensemble like this!


For hair and make-up think Lauren Conrad. Try pairing a soft neutral eye palette with liquid liner. Add some drama with false lashes that have a slight flair on the sides. Sweep on pink blush, and finish with a nude lip. For the hair, try loose waves or a chignon.


You can’t go wrong with this look. It is clean, fresh, and oh so pretty!


Have a happy and stylish Valentine’s Day!



White lace dress

Corto Moltedo studded handbag $1,530 -

Plastic jewelry