What You Should Know about Top Buttons


So you may be wondering… what's Top Buttons all about?  Why do they call it "Top Buttons?"  What is their philosophy on modesty? We want you to get your fashion FIX  and get your questions ANSWERED!

In case you don't already know, Top Buttons is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization purposed  to be a modest fashion resource for young women.

So what does that mean?!!!

As a modest fashion resource, we promote TB approved fashion in the media, provide fashion ideas and help you get your hands on the clothing that has a bit more fabric.


Modesty looks different to everyone. We do NOT define modesty through specifics on how long your shorts need to be, how much cleavage is acceptable, or even how tight is "too tight."  But just because everyone's view of modesty is different, doesn't mean the topic shouldn't be addressed.

Obviously, the topic should be addressed and an alternative provided.

We don't want to put young women in a box with one particular style.  Rather we work to encourage them in their self expression through fashion, along with challenging them to recognize the influence of culture on clothing ethics.

There is this concept being pushed in media that if a young girl wants to keep her self reasonably covered, she is somehow uncomfortable with her body or seen as insecure.  At Top Buttons we most definitely disagree.  A young women can love her body without flaunting her sexuality.  But if she feels this is the only way to get noticed and this is what is acceptable and normal, it will continue to occur.

It is our heart to encourage young women to consider the "why" behind what they are wearing, and to provide a "resource" that helps them accomplish their unique yet proper fitting look for every occasion.  

What makes an article of clothing "TB approved?"

In our opinion, it's about the total look of an outfit and the message it sends rather than an individual article of clothing.  TB approved looks are those which would not be defined as provocative by current cultural standards and those which would be acceptable in most settings.

That's about all the defining you are going to get.  To learn more about what we consider TB approved attire, take a look at our online magazine content.

Where did the name Top Buttons Come from?

So, we  wanted to think of a name that was loosely connected to modesty without being direct.  Something that makes you think of "classy" and is associated with style.  After jotting down tons of ideas and narrowing it down to the top three ideas.  We let the teens decide, and they liked Top Buttons best.  There you have it!

The Top Buttons Team

From around the world, Top Buttons has a team of young Christian men and women working together to serve you!  Our dedicated staff oversee each department of our organization,  from the Online Magazine Fashion Editor, Rebekah Miura to our Education Director, Katie Deloach.

Top Buttons also has numerous contributors for our online magazine that offer up to date fashion tips and tricks!  We work to collaborate with exceptional young men and women who are passionate about this cause and those who have artistic skills to inspire your wardrobe on a day to day basis.

Click HERE to read more about our STAFF and our REGULAR CONTRIBUTORS!


Currently we operate on three main platforms: 1) The ONLINE MAG; 2) styling and educational services; and 3) wardrobe makeovers for teens in need.

1) The Online Magazine is motivated by our Motto…  Revealing Less; Expressing More! Not only are teen and collage age young people creating the content, but we feature everyday young people IN the content.  These young people can inspire you with their style and their life.  Check out our online magazine along with thousands of others each week for consistent fashion inspiration.



2)  As a part of our organization we also offer styling services. Pictured below, our TB Fashion Editor gives a style and beauty makeover.


Probably our favorite part of TB is sharing our message with young women face to face!  We have a fun and interactive program designed to challenge, encourage, and promote expression with healthy boundaries.

Top Buttons at Mercy for web

3)  We know young women can't always afford to go buy new clothing items when they need or want to.  As a part of being a modest clothing resource, we  provide young women in need with new wardrobes!

Wardrobe Makeover Best for web

How it works:

  • We accept nominations for recipients of our wardrobe makeovers from schools, religious or civic organizations.
  • The nominated teen must be female and between the ages of 13 and 17.
  • Through a review process and based on availability, we are able to provide the recipients with our TB styling services and a ton of new clothes!
  • Our wardrobe makeovers include the donation of high-end, gently used clothing and/or shopping sprees!

For more information click here!


We live in a world that rewards inappropriate and provocative behavior.  At Top Buttons, we are determined to provide a unique platform where young girls can be recognized for their individuality and their classy looks.  We understand the conflict with culture versus the young female on this challenging issue, we appreciate your support to continue propeling this movement.

Top Buttons is funded through donations!  Please share this article with your friends and family if you think they would be encouraged by what we are doing! If you would like to donate clothing, services, or financial support to our organization please contact Chris@topbuttons.org for more info or you can easily Donate Online by clicking here.  Surviving in the super competitive fashion industry can only come from, those with a similar passion, joining together to make an impact!  Our passion is simple, young women should have the alternative which we are providing.  Our alternative isn't motivated by profit, it's motivated by protecting, encouraging, and inspiring.

What do you think about what we are doing?  We want feedback from you!

Please contact us for questions and THANK YOU FOR SHARING IN THE VISION WITH US!