Morgan Frazier, Brave Overcomer of Bullying


Top Buttons had to admire Morgan Frazier who is an up and coming country music artist that has a passion to stop bullying in schools around the country. We find the amount of tragedy resulting from bullying is unbelievable today. She released her latest single "Hey Bully" that has captured the hearts of many and that could potentially save lives in the process. Morgan has brought a new twist to country music by using her past experiences of being made fun of to make a difference with her music. The extent of bullying she underwent caused her to leave her elementary school and become home schooled. Alongside her tremendous talent, her style is casual and relevant as she rocks the all-American girl look wearing blue jeans and fashionable tank tops. She is not afraid of being herself and her songs signify strength and perseverance dealing with bullying that once daunted her dreams.  She has such a pure, effortless tone to her voice that keeps you listening and she always seems to perform in her brown leather cowgirl boots! She has made appearances in schools and numerous radio stations across the country telling her story to encourage others in following their dreams. Morgan Frazier2/2013Spring Fashion 2013cr: Joe Hardwick

Morgan Frazier has partnered up with the anti-bullying campaign Stand for the Silent, to impact children and adults to end bullying altogether. Her message of strength and hope has encouraged us to spread her story and impact others around us.

Stand For The Silent is an organization that began by founders Kirk and Laura Smalley after suffering a tragedy with their son after continually being bullied. This was served as a platform to bring awareness of how serious the issue is.


"I've already been touched by the power of this song from messages I've received from kids who have experienced bullying firsthand," Frazier says. "I look forward to working with Stand for the Silent to bring an end to this issue."

We anticipate great things to come out of this organization as Morgan continues to use her talent and experiences to stop bullying and encourage students to be who they were created to be, themselves.